1. Personal Social and Emotional developments.
  2. Communication, Language and Literature.
  3. Physical and creative development.

          The areas of learning are introduced through play. All of our toys have an educational purpose for example. Construction toys develop motor skills and creative thinking.

            The pre-school years are particularly importance and very exciting for the children. These various first experiences make it best possible start in life.


Meeting of parents and teachers will be held at regular intervals to give opportunity for the parents and teacher meet and discuss-the progress of each child.

Last Saturday at the month.

Parents must see the holiday list in diary for holidays.



The monthly fee is payable from 1st to 20th each month and after that with a fine of Rs. 20/- in the next month. The name of the pupil whose fees is not paid by the end of the month will be struck off the rolls. Re-admission will be granted only or payment of fresh admission fee provided the vacancy still exists.


The School uniform is a discipline in itself and should be adhered to strictly. The set pattern and colour should be correctly followed.

Every Saturday the child must wear white shorts and white P.T. shoes & girls child will wear white frock.